Thursday, February 13, 2014


In the beginning of the world there was no such thing as death. All things lived eternally. Coyote grew worried about this. He thought that if everything was immortal, overtime they would rise up and overthrow him. He decided to do something about this. He and Raven met to discuss this. Raven thought that all things should live forever, but Coyote thought the opposite. Raven eventually gave in to Coyote and Coyote got his way. Coyote would forever regret his decision. His son died, and he begged Raven to reverse the law. Raven refused. Coyote got mad and decided to fight Raven. To this day, they say Raven and Coyote are still fighting in a cave.


  1. That coyote sounds like a real, as we greeks call it, thug, nice job coyote, although I must point out it is written in third person.

  2. As much as I would love to ignore it, this reeks of third person. You talk of coyote as if you were a storyteller. For this post you must be in first person, as in you are speaking from Coyote's P.O.V. and instead of Coyote you have "I","me","myself", etc.

  3. I like that this is easy to understand and to the point. But, it is written in third person.
